International Public Administration

International  Public  Administration 

From Baltimore to Brussels to Buenos Aires, governments deal with many similar concerns such as public-private partnerships, information technology, effective management and the evaluations of public policy. Therefore, the IPMCS works to address issues from these dynamic systems, to examine, theorize and analyze problems to produce better policy solutions for governmental institutions.

At the global level, IPMCS Director Dr. Allan Rosenbaum is currently president of the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA). Based in Brussels, Belgium, IASIA is an association of organizations and individuals whose activities and interests focus on public administration and management. The activities of its members include education and training of administrators and managers. It is the only world-wide scholarly association in the field of public management. Visit their Web site at

The Institute’s Director is also on the International Committee of the US-based National Association of School of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA). Through this relationship, the IPMCS participates annually in sub regional forums like CLAD, INPAE and NISPAcee. For general information about these regional networks, visit*

The Institute is a civil society member of the Organization of American State’s Summit of the Americas Follow-up. This network of civil society organizations ensures the Summit commitments are met. The Institute also works with the office of the State Reform, Decentralization and Local Governments to facilitate the local development initiatives are met. Further information is located at

Also, the IPMCS participates annually in the Center for Latin American Administration for Development (CLAD) conference. Based in Caracas, Venezuela, this regional network of schools of public administration set up by the governments in Latin America is the oldest in the region. Information about CLAD is accessible at

The Institute is a founding member and played a central role in organizing the Inter-American Network of Public Administration Education (INPAE). Created in 2000, this regional network of schools is unique in that it is the only organization to be composed of institutions from North and Latin America and the Caribbean working in public administration and policy analysis. It has more than 49 members from top research schools in various countries throughout the hemisphere.

The Institute has been particularly active in working with NISPAcee, which is a network of experts, scholars and practitioners who work in the field of public administration in Central and Eastern Europe, including the Russian Federation and the Caucasus and Central Asia. Their English Web site is located at

In addition, the IPMCS has an institutional agreement with Arturo Prat University of Iquique, Chile and Babes Bolyi University in Cluj, Romania where it has provided exchanges of faculty and materials.

The IPMCS staff is actively involved in US public administration and political science associations like NASPA, APSA and ASPA. These organizations have helped to create the fundamental establishment of modern public administration. As example of the Institutes leadership in these organizations, Dr. Meredith Newman, director of FIU’s school of public administration, became vice president of ASPA in 2007. For more information visit the Web sites of American Political Science Association,, and the American Society of Public Administration


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