Military budget in Mexico

 In light of last week's High-level #security #dialogues between the #UnitedStates and #Mexico (#WH press release here),the #Guacamaya scandal that hacked the Mexican Military #Sedena,  and because of discussions with @diazbriseno on the new Mexican Policy to use Military guards at the ports of entry. Earl Anthony (Tony) Wayne opted in the Hill hereGabriel Farfán-Mares #reforma analysis demonstrating substitution effects of the military budget from social spending here. Also as my Canadian friend Carlo Dadepointed out # @USMEXUCSD, one of the most Mexico think-tanks, has 95% of its fellows working on drugs, crime and migration with few #trade#energy#economy or #environmental policy. Are others worried about the substantial increases in the #military budget in Mexico? I wonder if this is a substation effect of ending the Merida Initiative or driven solo from Presidencia. 


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